CoSpaces 360° tours

Virtual tour creation with CoSpaces Edu

Build your own virtual tour

Capture and upload your own 360° photos into CoSpaces Edu to build an immersive tour.

Simply organize your images as scenes, add text and details, and let others go on your virtual tour!
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Now also available!

Check out the BETA Tours integration that makes creating 360° tours even easier!*
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*Available in CoSpaces Edu Pro only

360° tour lesson plans

360° tour creation
Create an immersive virtual tour using your own 360° photos.
Code the classroom
Learn classroom rules and procedures through the creation of a 360° CoSpace.
View more lesson plans

Featured 360° tours

A Coruña City Tour
View tour
New York City tour
View tour
Munich City Tour
View tour

Get the CoSpaces Edu app.

Create and explore anywhere and on any device!
Install the CoSpaces Edu APK
on your Android or PICO devices:
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