Tech check

Check your tech for using CoSpaces Edu

Tech check

CoSpaces Edu on Android

The CoSpaces Edu Android app runs on Android 8 and higher.

To experience CoSpaces in VR, AR or gyroscope mode, your Android device must have a built-in gyroscope sensor.
Get the CoSpaces Edu Android app on the Google Play Store.

Android APK installation

Installing the CoSpaces Edu mobile app on Android
  • In your device’s App settings, go to Special (app) access and enable the option to Install unknown apps
  • Click the “Download Android APK” button below to get the CoSpaces Edu APK.
  • Go to your Downloads, open the APK file, select the app and install it normally.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email

Get the CoSpaces Edu app.

Create and explore anywhere and on any device!
Install the CoSpaces Edu APK
on your Android or PICO devices:
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