What's new? April 2024

Improving license plan and class management

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What's new? April 2024
Improving license plan and class management in CoSpaces Edu and making it easier and more secure with better invite codes for students and teachers too!

Teacher invite codes

CoSpaces Edu is improving how teachers join license plans by making it easier and safer through new invite codes.

Once the Admin has accessed their CoSpaces Edu Pro license plan, they now have the option to "Invite teachers" by email, sending them an invite code which they can then simply enter to join.

The license plan activation key is now only used at the start for the Admin to unlock the purchased CoSpaces Edu Pro license plan. If shared, it will no longer let teachers join the license plan.

Class codes

Teachers can now create class invite codes that are limited in time and for a specific number of students only.

This ensures that only allowed users join your classes in CoSpaces Edu.

Jumping in VR

CoSpaces Edu has made it possible to now jump when exploring CoSpaces in VR (Virtual Reality)! This new feature is available on the PICO and Meta Quest headsets.

Enabling Google image web search

Admins and teachers can choose to enable or disable the integrated image web search provided by Google.

Class and license plan activity log

Teachers can now view or download a class activity log, giving them a better overview of what's happening inside their class.

In addition to the already existing license plan activity log available for Admins to download, they can now also view the log directly inside CoSpaces Edu.

Class management and check-out improvements

  • License plan Admins can now change class ownership and assign it to a different teacher.
  • Teachers can now change their students’ passwords more easily.
  • Online check-out has been improved for a better user experience.

CoSpaces Edu is an online platform for kids that’s used in schools all around the world and that can easily be used at home and on any device.

Kids get access to a creation toolbox to build anything in 3D, a visual coding language to program their creations, and fun ways to explore what they’ve created, including Virtual and Augmented Reality!

Learn more about CoSpaces Edu on cospaces.io/edu

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